Key concepts of the movie "9"

Key concepts of the movie "9":

Language: On the poster we can see:
The name of the movie.
Credits of people who made it.
The date its released - being the 9th of the 9th in 2009 which is a play on the title of the movie.
The tagline and a dark setting to convey the movie's dystopian theme.

Industries: here we can see the Industry behind the movie - Focus Features
Pamela Pettler - who the screenplay was by
And we can also see key producers of which includes Tim Burton who is famous for movies such as Corpse Bride which incorporate darker tones with animation so as to apply to adults and children, this shows there was time put into this movie with good producers. There was also extensive world-building being put out by the company which led up to the release of the movie, such as 8 other posters of each of the rag-dolls - I believe this was a good thing on the Studio's part as it shows they care about the movie and don't view it as a quick way to make money.

Audience: Clearly the target audience would generally be mixed gendered pre-teens to adults (as of its age rating of 12) but is slightly pandering toward males due to its dark themes and horror aspects.

Representation: This movie doesn't really represent anyone as the characters are rag-dolls and the antagonist is a robot with the consciousness of a scientist. However it does feature a female rag-doll, two mute twin rag-dolls, a senior rag-doll and a disabled rag-doll so it technically represents a wide scope of people.


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