"Captain America: The First Avenger" denotations and connotations
Denotations of this poster would include: an American flag which shows patriotism, a man in a military uniform which shows power, a man with a red skull for a face which could show another side, a man holding a cube and a woman with a gun who would be subversive to the action genre. The connotations for the man in the uniform would be strategic and militaristic as he looks like some kind of general. Whereas the connotations of the woman would be strong, independent and subversive as it's usually men with fighting roles - this serves as a contrast to the lead who is a strong man who would usually be assumed to take the lead. The man with the red skull and the man holding the cube may be villains due to how sinister they look. The target audience would be mainly boys as it is heavily military themed, and because there is a lot of male representation due to the time period this would be set in.
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